FASCISTS ... BUT Antifascism
Fallen I think young people of the MSI. Those who said goodbye too many times with this cry. Those coffins carried by hand all of us, there was also secretary of the Youth Front, which certainly did not dream of becoming president of the Chamber of Deputies. I think the way to the Dead
Acca Larentia, killed because killing was not a fascist crime.
And I think that on January 7 this year, Gianfranco Fini, accompanied by all those who now say good yesterday and screamed to honor comrades killed, is went to commemorate the thirtieth anniversary.
Young people were on the wrong side of the MSI, Mr Fini?
I feel enormous sadness for the statements we heard yesterday and today we read all the newspapers.
are fascists, but also anti-fascist, one might say of those of the National Alliance, unable to react with dignity
exaltation of a value not know yet - anti-fascism - and that has been in the tragic years of our democracy's alibi to kill many of those guys.
Shame, shame those who have to bend to a logic that is only for power, which erases all traces of identity, which cancels the conscience. Where
the fascist threat, Mr Fini, if the chairman of the House comes to enhance anti-fascism?
thought that a chapter was closed by the voters, with the rise in men's Deputies and the Capitol, however, from the history of the MSI. Once again a community chews disappointment.
We remain proud to have founded the right, which will look to the future without spitting on the past.
The national reconciliation does not pass through the concealment of the truth. The countdown to the Holocaust denial is really hard to understand and above all to accept.
We are Democrats without having to feel anti-fascists.
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