Saturday, October 3, 2009

Nike Greco Supreme Discontinued?

slow to start, "Late late late is too late"

Danity Kane Now this phrase is becoming the leitmotif of my life .... I am always late on everything ... enough to run after buses and trains ... and the few times that are ahead, they are delayed, so I am always the starting point!! Even with cross-stitch ... ritardissimo are all over ....... demonstrating that there is this post will luuuungoooo .... So sit pretty comfortable so I set
One Two Three ... Viaa!

Let's start with the "F" received by Romina , with all the wonderful "cazzabubbole" who sent me and I love it !!!!!! An overview of the packet ....

And then .... the wonderful F. .... I like too good a sacchissimo!!

And then .... this made me die .... and above all made me crazy photograph ..... The letter was contained in here .... Romina and had fun to write something for me .... But I have sfagliato figona on .... I keep it the same, even if it is true, the other things he wrote are all true, especially the "crazy "!!!! O)

And now we come to one of the letters that I sent, to Enza , my "D ".....

I hope the
enjoyed !!!!! ^ _ ^ Well ....
for now I'll stop with the pictures ... But I still tell the story of a slow pack from my house!! O)
now I have to do something I'm putting off for too long .... I have to thank Cetty for a prize that has given me far too long already, and I never did so publicly!! I'm really happy for this award received from you .... and now it's my turn. I check all the lucky, who wants to do it do it, otherwise it will not matter
Just wanted to tell me that you are special and I feel really lucky to meet you .... although I can not stay there behind as before .... In any case, the evening when I get home destroyed .... is too nice turn on the pc connect, open my e-mail and know that you are there and read the chats crazy!!
proceed with the award

Then, according to information I have to give the ten true things about me .... Let Us Be!
  1. try to tackle even the worst disaster with a smile, or at least I try, I promise, even if no times are hard and frequent;
  2. I love the children of others, and they adore me, is they often give me the strength to go over all the crap;
  3. are not envious but feel admiration for the people who succeed in their things, or rather say that I hate jealous people ... I am frightened;
  4. I have yet to figure out who I am and what I want to grow up (even if I have 31 years, not really have great !!!);
  5. are very patient, sometimes too ... but often with the wrong people ... maybe I should learn to be more patient with my family which is the core of my life ... but who knows if I'll ever achieve it;
  6. I sometimes impossible dreams, but I want to believe it and I am sure that sooner or later someone will realize the ... yes yes, by force;
  7. I like to fuck, I admit, I am a fuck doc ... and now I can do a lot less (almost nothing) I miss him so much;
  8. I like to do something for the people I care .... it is embroidery, scraps, cooking, sewing ... I like to think that while the realization of those things I'm doing for the X and that I am doing with so much love,
  9. thank my angels every day special because they are close to me in every moment of my life ... I am grateful to them, the Virgin Mary and to God for the opportunity they gave me there that day;
  10. are sometimes selfish to not feel bad ... is a form of protection against possible attack.
I think I have confessed everything .... or almost!! O)
I greet you, and next to !!!!!!!


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